Site map

This is a list of all the pages contained on the Simple Design Works website.

Crafting a balanced innovation strategy to drive success

Expert tips to secure grant funding for your innovation

UK IPO launches new financial support scheme

The importance of creative collaborations

Innovation strategies to grow businesses

User-centric and fail fast approaches in NPD

Additional funding for creatives hub

A guide to grants for innovative businesses

Innovation event with the Marches Growth Hub

Benefits of failing fast in product development

Circularity as a crucial aspect of modern-day design

Experience Design (XD) as a strategy to be remembered

Design through the 12 principles of green engineering

IP and AI: who owns AI generated works?

Writing an effective product design brief

Five internal barriers to innovation

Innovation event at the Midlands Cyber Quarter

The different types of innovation

Strategic design for manufacturers

Practical insights to innovating in a disruptive world

Webinar: Thriving through innovation in a tough economy

Cutting it for the Little Princess Trust

Campaign for Real Innovation

Green light for £22.4 million investment

Launch of Hereford Herd

Eight years young and still growing

Professor Langley joins medical device design team

Powerful packaging design for the ultimate unboxing experience

Product design podcast inspiration

Inspirational product design websites

Certified product design consultants

Registering your grand design

Crowdfunding: what is it?

Reasons to file a GB and EP application

The ideal process from concept to market

Communities unite to bid for £25 million

Introducing Charlie Conway

Business advice for start up companies

Business as usual during the pandemic

The journey of our brand redesign

Introducing Caitlin McCulloch